Our values

We invite you to experience personalised hearing healthcare that goes beyond the expected, where our values shape every moment.

In every aspect of our practice, from client interactions to workplace dynamics, our values guide us.

At Fairfield Hearing, our values are not just words but the pillars upon which we build meaningful relationships with our clients. In the realm of personalised hearing healthcare, we hold three key values close to our hearts: Empathy, Independence and Empowerment.



With hearing loss, empathy is the thread that weaves through every interaction. We recognise the trust you place in us, and we understand that the only way to earn and maintain that trust is through empathy.

At Fairfield Hearing, we go beyond hearing; we listen. Listening is an art - an art we've perfected to truly understand you, not just as a client with hearing needs but as an individual with emotions, thoughts, and feelings.

Acknowledging and discussing hearing loss is a journey laden with anxiety, and we are here to walk that path with you.

Our commitment to empathy extends beyond our clients; it permeates our workplace. By truly listening, we create an environment where every voice is heard, valued, and respected. We believe that when people feel valued, they feel safe and empowered, unlocking their true potential.



Independence is our compass, guiding us to think, act and recommend the right solutions tailored to your needs, without bias.

Unlike many practitioners, Fairfield Hearing are not tied to offering you hearing aids from certain manufacturers. This independence is a conscious choice - a choice that ensures we offer you the most suitable solutions available in the marketplace to suit you, not us.

We are not in the business of selling products; we are in the business of enhancing lives through personalised hearing solutions.

Our commitment to independence means we don't compromise standards for profit, and we don't fit hearing aids that aren't best suited to your unique needs. We may not always tell you what you want to hear, but we will always tell you the truth and what we genuinely believe is best for you.



Empowerment, to us, is more than a concept - it's a commitment to building trust, fostering appreciation, and providing unwavering support. We don't just show up; we engage, invest, and share knowledge freely.

Our goal is to empower you with the information and support needed to make the best decisions for your hearing health.

True empowerment, for us, lies in giving you a sense of control and freedom to live your life to the fullest. We want you to feel valued, to actively contribute to the way your care is delivered, and to experience the most engaging life possible.

When you choose Fairfield Hearing, you choose not just a service but a partnership that empowers you on your journey to better hearing.

Make an appointment

Experience our values for yourself. Book your comprehensive hearing assessment with one of our expert audiologists.

Find us

Our Address:

2 Stafford Street

Phone 0131 378 5800
Email hello@earsure.health

Opening Hours:

Monday 10:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 16:00
Thursday 10:00 - 16:00
Friday 10:00 - 16:00
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed